To preserve your tower, we offer an annual inspection and preventative maintenance service.

Each communication structure is given a thorough structural check-up and/or evaluation to ensure compliance with current design codes, health and safety legislation, warranty and insurance requirements.

All inspections are carried out by experienced Structural/Civil Engineers and our qualified climbers are fully trained to work at height.

Providing a value-for-money service is important to us and our aim is to minimise any costly return visits for simple remedial repairs. Our engineers will address any straightforward issues or minor adjustments required during the inspection.

During a typical visit we will assess the cabin and compound (including security), we will issue any relevant Structural Condition Certificates and validate the structure as 'Safe to Climb'. Other inspection elements include:

  • Tower Protective Systems
  • Lightning Protection Services
  • Earthing
  • Fall Arrest Systems
  • Advising removal of any redundant equipment